I work at a nature center and we want to build a working display of a water wheel that produces energy, enough to power a small light bulb. I don't know/understand the components that we would need. attached is a photo of where we where thinking would be the best place to put a water wheel. Any help would be appreciated, even if its a reading on hydropower for dummies haha.
That will be a fun little demonstration. A water wheel is not very efficient design but can produce power. Is in the “low head hydro” category. There are undershot and overshot water wheel designs. I believe overshot are sometimes slightly more efficient. There’s lots of small and inexpensive demonstration generators on eBay. I’ve got a small yellow plastic cupped generator that cost about $7. I’m not sure where it is now but they use them in classrooms to show how to power a LED light or some very small load.
I've seen a car alternator with silver tea spoons soldered to the pulley wheel make plenty of power to light a bulb and more.
Overshot or under whichever is easier to fabricate.
A treadmill motor might do the job.
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