Good Day Everyone!
I just finished watching this
video series and just have to share. I have been
gardening for many years now and still managed to learn a LOT.
The knowledge gained from this series will help you with things like better seed germination, Bigger leaves on lettuce, more flavor in herbs, better grafts and clones, etc, etc!
This really is some must-have knowledge if you are in pursuit of growing good plants. It can be applied to more than just indoor plants too! It will help you to better determine proper micro-climates for plants outdoors and in the garden.
I am planning on making more clones of my fruit
trees for gifts, trade, etc with my
local area, family, and friends. Spreading abundance long term (in theory). I may even plant some Mulberry and Fig trees at local parks (out on the edges of fields) since they are virtually zero maintenance.