Kris, where are you located? I'm in north central Wis. too! (Minocqua area) Would be fun to get together with a fellow chicken keeper and gardener to trade advice! I have had such a hard time composting my litter/poo. The piles would NOT heat up. I do not have
enough grass clippings and was afraid of getting them elsewhere as most folks use "weed & feed" or other similar products on their lawns. Well, this winter my hens flung a bunch of their expensive organic mash out of their feeders into the litter. I was SO MAD! I modified the feeders to stop the waste, but when I shoveled out the coop this spring I could feel the extra weight of
feed in the litter. I fumed for days until . . . magically, the pile heated up like I had TORCHED it and it's been smoking hot for about 2 weeks now, composting so quickly I can't believe it. My brother-in-law (soil scientist) says the grain accelerated the composting process. He said even a bag of flour or other stale grain would work. Not that I'm recommending wasting grain or people food, but if you could get your hands on something similar (maybe something stale from the pantry?) it could help start things heating up so you could get finished compost sooner. I had 2 more giant COLD piles of litter, and worked in a little of the hot stuff, and now have 3 smoking hot piles. SO EXCITED cuz I've been afraid of the pathogens in "uncooked" manure hitting my
raised bed veggie gardens.