A man sits at a loom with a headlight on.Cheii what our you weaving?I am weaving the history of the
dragon herders.Make me some tea and make us some popcorn and I will tell you the origins of the dragon herders.
Zeeh was the youngest of seven siblings.He was chosen to take over the family herd.But Zeeh had other plans.Zeeh obsessed with space travel and as it seems Earth was dying maybe or being reborn.He wanted to get his family off this world and on to the next.Space travel had become publictized So anyone and there brother was welcome to try there hand at building a rocket.At risk of there own life of course.Some burned up going thru the atmosphere.Some blew up at the launch pad.Others starved in deep space.Some were very successful such as the great anarchist Evanto.He was able to support plant ecology on his spacecraft and fuel it with algae.Eating frogs in desperatre times and eating sweet potatoes in best of times.Zeeh designed his spacecraft in the shape of a ger.He watched on occasions when the wind was at 100 mph.The ger stood like a stone.Cozy and secure insidew He calculated that if he could get it to spin fast
enough that it would cruise thru the atmosphere beautifully.Not to mention the legends of flying saucers and green light.(His grandmother had seed them and told stories.)Zeeh had went to the Big
city of Ulantabaar for welding and enginnerring.He had plenty of scrap metal.So there on the steppe Zeeh welded away with a
solar arc welder.He used metal he could.He patched it together.For the engine he used pieces of old airplanes that had crashed following the Emp wars.When there was an attack on all electronic devices.Sweet potato his brother was an ecologist.He was reviving the desert planting
trees,bushs,shrubs.He had come up with a system that could survive a vaccum sealed chamber pumped with recycled oxygen.It relied upon growth of a lichen in big
water vats.It converts the
carbon dioxide into oxygen and has a long shelf life.It can also be consumed as a starch.Zeeh's family packed up the space ger.Thry made sure to pack their shrine which included a little buddah and 4 stone eggs handed down thru the ages since the time of Chinggis Khan.Zeeh's mother wrapped the eggs in felt cloth and packed them near where the hearth of the ger would be.But instead the exhaust pipe of the engine went thru the center.Giving heat to the surrounding spaceship and also making it spin.
The little engine that could.
Bionoculars,Cast Iron skillets,crock pots,Military gear/shovelsWoodworking tools,Rugged Cameras,rechargeable flashlights,Solar technology,tents,pack saddles,well made backpacks send to Benjamin Skiba p.o.box 1132 Teec Nos Pos Az 86514 items benefit sheepherders and surrounding community will be distributed