If I understand correctly, there are swales, which are on contour and intended to catch and soak the water, and there are ditches, intended to move water from one location to the other.
It sounds like you are trying to move water away from the house, in which case you want a ditch. I think it
should have a very slight gradient (1% or so) to avoid erosion as mentioned previously. And the ditch moving water away from the house could of course
feed a
swale further out in the yard if desired.
As far as level goes, if it is on contour in general, with some deeper areas and some shallower areas, I think the deeper pockets will fill first and then the Shallower areas will fill next - not ideal, but shouldn’t be a huge problem if no slope to the swale. Eventually I would think the deeper sections will fill in with silt and level out.
All that said, observe what happens when it rains, and fix any issues as they arise. It’s all a grand experiment, and you get to play mad scientist!