I can post a picture later if anyone thinks it's necessary, but it just looks like a typical, medium-sized red strawberry. It doesn't put out long runners, but spreads slowly at the edges of the clump. I torture it terribly, so it's a little hard to tell if it's everbearing or not. It fruits heavily early summer, stops for the dry season when I don't
water, then fruits a little again in the fall once it cools down and the rains start again. Everyone moans a bit the first time they eat one of the berries and then goes on a rant about crappy supermarket berries or starts reminiscing about their childhood.
I bought it from a co-worker whose daughter was doing a dry grad fundraiser or something. I'm hoping that's a clue. Maybe a certain type is often used in commercial hanging baskets or something :D
It spreads so slowly, that I'd like to buy more to plant around the property. Every other strawberry I've got from the
local nurseries tastes like nothing compared to this one. I've ended up ripping them all out again.