We will put in rainbarrels or maybe a cistern for the 2 gutters in our house on a 1/4 acre lot in outer SE Portland, Oregon.
We want to do a good job and must be very economical.
I would like recommendations about good
books on the subject.
Are there definitive books? Excellent introductory books? Etc.?
Are these practical to check out of the library, or is it really best to have the book around long-term, to be able to write in it, dogear pages, brainstorm, reflect, incubate ideas, reread parts, etc.?
Specifically, what do you think of
Brad Lancaster's book
Rainwater Harvesting, Vol 1
It is on sale until May 31 at Chelsea Green, the publisher:
I want to decide by then if this is a wise purchase. We cannot waste money.
Thank you for sharing your ideas, thoughts, experiences, etc.
Happiness, Health, Peace and Abundance for All!
Many Thanks and Many Blessings,
Pamela Melcher