Building a pond I have a nice clay bottom which has been compacted, I was going to use a gley technique to seal with layers of manure->grass->soil. Could flipped over sod be used? In digging the pond I the piled the sod, soil, clay seperate from each other.
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That sounds like a good use for grass to me! From what I understand, the key is making sure everything goes anaerobic - don't let everything dry out before you fill the pond.
"Instead of Pay It Forward I prefer Plant It Forward" ~Howard Story / "God has cared for these trees, saved them from drought, disease, avalanches, and a thousand tempests and floods. But he cannot save them from fools." ~John Muir
That's a really good idea. You may want to cover with plastic for a couple of weeks while anaerobic decomposition takes place just to insure anaerobic conditions.
I don't know the answer... but sod has a very high carbon to nitogen ratio and a porous structure compared to the material I normally associate with gley development.