I've been collecting big rocks (but not too big to lift) for a rms I want to build sometime this summer, so I've got
enough rocks to make a couple rms's, so I'm wondering if I could use the extra rocks to make a passive
solar heater shown in the picture (if I can upload it)...
Anyway, the cabin is on a hill sloping downward to the south. My idea is to insulate the ground under the cabin, build a double pane plexiglass window facing South and put rocks in it so they absorb the
solar rays in the daytime and radiate the heat into the cabin threw a
grate on the floor. The grate will also probably be removable so I can get under the cabin as the out side will be sealed off. Just wondering if it would work. I see a lot of active/passive solar projects over on
builditsolar. A lot of good info and docs on other peoples