I'm attaching some quick screen shots. Located in southern NJ. The Google map photos below appear to be from last October or November as I can see strawbales we have stacked by the house for fall decoration. As shown you can see the shadows cast on the growing area during the end of our growing season. During most of the year (april-september) we have almost zero shading on any of the growing area for 8+ hours a day. Some areas never receive any shade which is brutal in our recent summer weather. It's only may and we have record high 94 degrees forecast for today already.
My wife and I started our
raised bed garden this year. We deep mulched the entire area last summer as we will be doing some in ground
perennial plantings of fruits,
trees, and
native nj pollinator friendly visual scaping.
The attached photos show beds marked in red. There are 9 of these beds and are 4'x10' and 2' tall. These beds are already in installed and filled .
We originally orientated these to maximize the number of beds in the space and it looked visually the best to us for curb appeal having them running parallel to the
fence vs running the beds exactly north south and having them at an angle to the
This garden is half of our front
yard. The house pretty much faces due south and the beds we have in are pointed at 148-150degrees south southeast.
These beds will contain all low growing items for us like herbs, low vege like lettuce and spinach etc, dedicated strawberry beds.
The next row I plan on installing will be for tall vege that requires trellises. Mostly tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, peas, etc.
We plan on using a vertical string
trellis system with the plastic clips. I am going to erect the framing for this system in such a way to allow for installation of future shade cloth of needed in the future as global temperatures and uv levels continue to rise.
The attached screen doodles have blue lines drawn in to represent the trellis beds.
I'm not sure what option would be best. The red beds have 3 ft of space in-between each bed and against our front chain link fence for reference to fit my wheelbarrow.
Unfortunately, due to already setting the the other beds already without thinking of the shadow casting issues of beds with trellises, I feel like I have the three options left for us to pick from.
1) run the beds exactly like the first row of beds with the long dimension running basically southeast to north west
2) run a single row of beds running southwest to northeast.
3) run beds at an angle to the existing beds with the long dimension running north south which would match the upper part of our front walk and be parallel with the gable end wall of our house.
We do plan some edible bushes, trees and ofcourse pollinator landscaping behind this trellises row of raised beds and eventually when our garage gets rebuilt in the next year I'll be having a paver patio installed out front and a paver walkway installed which will wrap around both sides of the home to connect to a future rear patio.
I'm concerned with bed
solar orientation mostly for tomatoes as like many people, it is a crop we consume a lot of.
This is our first garden but I have
experience as a child through young adult helping my father at my childhood home with landscape and vegetable garden work so I'm not totally green. I just don't want to have to remove dirt and rotate beds in the future due to poor planning.