I am in zone 10a though it is known to get to 28 degrees where I'm at most years. I have planted a breadfruit tree which I know will be rather unhappy come winter time. While I plan to cover it and use Christmas
lights during frosts, I'd like to work towards creating a micro climate for it.
My thought is to stack a lot of rocks around it. But I'm very much open to other ideas as well. Issues and notes:
1. I am on sand and don't have many rocks at my disposal. I consider them very valuable commodities so don't want to use more than I need to.
2. During frosts, I am told by old timers that the cold air/wind comes from the Northeast every time.
The picture below shows the breadfruit, my mulch ring (it is surrounded by grasses otherwise), a few rocks for lizard habitat I placed, and north, south, east and west. Questions:
A. How much rocking do I need for a decent micro climate?
B. How close to the tree
should I put it?
C. If the cold wind comes from the northeast, which area around the tree should I put the most rocks?
D. Suggestions other than rocks?
Thank you!