this is awesome to hear, both sharon and rebecca! great to hear that your food choices are working for you.
i've had a similar
for years i was
vegetarian, and always extremely introverted and nervous and shy around people. i had pretty low self esteem, and just felt stressed all the time.
long story short, i read
nourishing traditions. when i decided to put a little butter into my diet, everything changed! suddenly i had energy, a better mood, higher self esteem, and more confidence.
i'm still more introverted, of
course, but i can relax about it! my mind is more free now, and my relationships are being strengthened.
all of my friends and family have commented on how good i look (or sound, if we're talking on the phone)!!
as a side note....
i'm 19, just a few years younger
and experiencing tooth decay.
i thought my diet was great, until i did some further research, and found that i just had too many nuts, legumes, and dried fruit in my diet (things that block nutrient absorption) - and not
enough animal!
now that i'm making a conscious effort to health my teeth through food, i'm finding that my body wants what it needs. never thought i'd have such intense cravings for liver
one of my teeth is less sensitive now than it was, so i'm holding onto hope!
cheers to good health!