I made my first
hugel! Well, started. It’s pretty big, but not super well constructed. I am building my house this summer so I had an excavator out on site with someone else operating it. I had to cut down some live cottonwood
trees to make space for my building site. I made a pile of logs, dumped 18” of soil on it, another pile of logs, then soil again. Quick and dirty, because this summer is about building the house, not the garden.
A few of the logs that I did not bury are starting to leaf out… after some research I see that cottonwoods do this and more.
I fully expect cottonwood trees to start growing up out of the hugels.
Is this a bad thing? Seems like it could be a good thing. More biomass, more to chop and drop. I would think that eventually after many chop and drops the tree would finally die and donate it’s biomass and
root structure to the good of the hugel.
Is this accurate?
I now know that it is better to bury older, punky
wood rather than fresh green wood.