Thanks for the link to Buffalo seed, I'll be ordering some for next season. How do the melon sizes compare between your mix & the Lofthouse-Oliverson landrace?
I have saved seed from a few exceptional cantaloupes of 6 or 7 varieties & some perfect honeydew over the years, and have contemplated taking some seeds from each of these, mixing them up, and planting them close
enough together to have a high likelihood of crossing. I'm curious to see what comes of the mix, since I think good melons will give good melons, albeit unique in some ways. There are an assortment of sizes, rinds, and flesh colors, but so long as it is reasonably sweet, good textured, and has a pleasant smell, I'll be happy. I need to try some more melon varieties first before I do this, but I have had honeydew & cantaloupe crossed. The unique yet familiar flavor surprised me.
Will other melon types like casaba or canary cross with cantaloupe & honeydew? Just trying to broaden my understanding...Thanks.