They dont work in damp environments.
I found this by Googling.
"Evaporative coolers are efficient for cooling spaces with low relative humidity.
The level of relative humidity in your home
should stay between 30 and 50 percent for optimum efficiency of your unit.
You can still operate an evaporative cooler at humidity percentages up to 60 percent or more."
Evaporative coolers work more efficiently to cool the air when there is lower humidity.
It is best to operate them with the windows and doors iof the house open so air from the cooler is pushing outside all the time.
The increased efficiency of your unit will outweigh any losses from the cold air moving outdoors.
If the outside air is too warm you still need to keep the windows etc open, the cooler will lower air temperatures by about 13 deg. C at best.
They work best when the humidity level is below 55 percent for optimum efficiency.
The ideal humidity level for health and comfort is between 30 and 50 percent,.