So I have this anchor around my neck. Help me figure out what to do with it.
20lb bag 16-16-16 Conventional Fertilizer... my original thought was to use 1/4 c to 5 gallon
bucket of Bio-Char...
But my
BioChar is soaking in
Rock Dust other
Sea Salt
Fish Hydr.
So i don't want to mess it up. And it would take me 130x 5 gallon bucket to get rid of the Devil Fertilizer.
I'm in California and the practice is to weed whack all the surrounding growth HOA / highway (not my garden/ landscape) to 1/4" to ground and the soil looks as dead as can be. In 6 months the dead material lays nearly completely intact. If only they left 4" of grass.
Should I sparsly spread it on the mostly dead soil hoa / roadside now and let the moist night air and occasional sky dribble break it down before the rains come in 2 months and soaks it in. Best way i can think of to prevent runoff. Other than Biochar.
I could give it to the poor migrants in Napa next week. But they i don't want to encourage that. I'd prefer to buy 20 lbs organic with micro and hand to them.
What the Heckfire do i do with this bag?