Betsy Catanzaro wrote:Hey Mark, I’ve been eyeing your book for awhile! I already grow willow for basket making but really like plants and trees to have double duty. I want to grow something that can work in building and firewood. And if I train the willow to grow 3 ft then cut it is that automatically pollarding? My real issue is aging and still being able to do all that I want to do!
Hi Betsy
What beautiful craftwork you do! Thanks for sharing.
So in my mind, coppicing describes cutting a tree or shrub all the way to ground level (or within 1-3"). If you're cutting at 3' that's like a low pollard to be, but it really doesn't matter much in the end what you call it. You're stimulating new sprouts to form! I know of several basket weavers who also like to cut their willow at 30-36" high to make harvest easier on the body so you're in good company!
I'm not sure if I'm reading your question correctly? Are you asking for recommendations of species that work for building materials and firewood? Can you be more specific regarding building materials? Like what are you specifically looking for? Obvioulsly, unless it's a very long harvest rotation, you're not going to be growing lumber so if I can understand the specific context I may be able to give more detailed answers.