I've never used any herbal remedies directly applied to the nasal passages as a spray but i have a few suggestions that might help and are very
permie friendly
-Mullein leaves. as a tea or added to
water and used for a steam inhalation. you need a pretty decent amount of leaves for a tea, but it dries up the mucus pretty effectively. if you take too much youll get dry eyes and throat though, a bit of mallow
root added to the tea or drunk separately can alleviate that side effect. The other caveat is that mullein has very fine hairs that can be irritating, you need to use a very fine paper filter or tea bag to keep all the hairs out of the tea. this isn't an issue for steam inhalation.
-Nettle tea. Im talking like a 1 part water 1 part dried
Nettle leaf infusion made with boiled water and then left in the fridge overnight for a 12 hour steep. That stuff will clear up nearly any histamine reaction.
A note: I'm not a doctor, and i dont have hayfever myself, this is what my wife has used successfully in the past to treat her allergies to pollen and cat dander.