I live in a temperate climate with all four seasons , thinking about starting out my homestead/land in a principles of
permaculture which im a newcomer , but as its a
pond forum I've got some questions and looking for tips for one.
1) I've only got around 2+ acres of
land and need some tips on what size
pond would be
enough for such place ? My land has some old
trees some arable land , and all around it its farmers fields for monoculture crops .
2) Is it doable and possible to make pond without the pond liner ? And how to make sure it wont drain ?
3) What
should i look for when looking for best place for a pond ?
4) Is aquaponics possible with pond alone ? And what kind of fish to look in to for smaller ponds that are easy to grow for newbies and dont require much input year round ?
Any tips or ideas regarding the subject is appreciated
Attaching the plan of my homestead