I am trying to store an extra bag of onions through the winter. Right now I have it on top of some barrels where I store
root vegetables in dry leaves in the pole foundations of our house - the root vegetables don’t freeze, but that could be because of the leaves. The onions would be exposed to air temperatures below freezing overnight, alternating from around -7ºC (19ºF) overnight sometimes to +15ºC (60ºF) during the day.
Would it be the frost that would damage the onions? Or the freezing air temperature? Is that much change in temperature bad?
Could the onions be stored in dry leaves in barrels? Or do they really need to have airflow during storage?
Would it be better to have them inside the house, where it stays warmer than ideal but more consistent? Or to have them outside where it is colder, but the temperature fluctuates more? Inside the house is not super warm, maybe around 10-15ºC (50-60ºF) on average at this time of year - is this OK for onions?