We have a small flock on barred rock hens and one rooster in out bioshelter. We currently have 20 hens, but have space for up to 50. The poultry room is in the north east corner of the bioshelter. The room is mostly sealed with a vapor barrier and and air exchange with the rest of the bioshelter is controlled. We put frsh
straw on the bedding each morning to eliminate odors and keep ammonia from evaporating from the droppings.
Chicken feed is supplemented with greens from the bioshelter. Most of the year, the
chickens have free access to a forge
yard attached to the bioshelter. The yard has several paddocks where we can rotate
chickens every few months.
In addition to providing eggs, the chickens provide
carbon dioxide and body heat to the bioshelter environment. Beding is composted each spring.
more on composting in the
greenhouse later.