I've pretty well finished sorting out my saved seeds, so am listing them here - offering for swaps or pass-it-forwards favours.
These were all gathered by me either from wild plants or my plants grown here on Skye.
Pea seeds - mixture of varieties, first generation 'grex' grown in close proximity. Various colour flowers, pods, growing styles and sizes!
Fava beans - ditto! includes both broad beans and field beans.
Oats (Avena strigosa and Avena sativa) - mixture of varieties, first generation 'grex grown in close proximity. Note some plants had black smut, so these seeds may be carriers.
Carrot - mixture of varieties. first generation 'grex grown in close proximity - as many colours as I could find, so white, purple, red, green as well as orange. No F1 plants, so hopefully no male sterility.
I’ll also have some True Potato Seed (TPS) – a mixture from ‘pink fir apple’ and ‘Skye Blue’ potatoes, both maincrop varieties, but I haven’t extracted the seed yet. I could just post out some berries I suppose?
Seeds for my landraces – carrot, parsnip, swede, salsify, leek, peas, fava beans, bere barley, & black oats. Any varieties (not F1 hybrids please)
Other seeds:
Asparagus, Globe artichoke, Cardoon, Scorzonera, Bistort
Or go on - tempt me with interesting and edible perennials!
pm me or add to this thread with your own UK seed offerings!
Edited to add - unfortunately we now can't import any seeds to the UK without sanitory certificates, although I will post them abroad at your risk
Greetings folks! I'm looking for heirloom crops from British settlers in America from the mid 1700s. I'm growing a Native American and early settler garden in Chicago this year and I'm looking for the right ones to restore my community's past. Please let me know if you have any sources. Take care!
Your mother is a hamster and your father smells of tiny ads!