Matt Chester wrote:I hit the search function and came up empty handed, so I thought I'd start our very own PERMIES YOGA THREAD. I figured this be the best place to do so, but if any mods want to move it, no problem on my end. I wanted to awaken the conversation of how our permaculture practice inter-twines with the practice of yoga. I love the idea that permaculture synchronizes the elements to bring us long-term health in soil/plants, ecosystems and humans. Both mentally, physically and spiritually. I find these same principles to be found in the yoga practice.
Through inspiration from my soul mate and the woman of my dreams, I have been getting into Yoga over the past couple of years. I have discovered the practices of yoga and permaculture to be perfectly aligned. Both are systems of ultimate balance and strategic harmony with nature and self. Both are systems designed for longevity and long term health. Both systems as simple or as complicated as you would like to make them.. And both systems evoke a sense of positivity and well-being unmatched by much else...
Can anyone relate? How so? I believe this is the "tip of the ice-berg", so let's have your thoughts people. I know they're out there..........
"We're all just walking each other home." -Ram Dass
"Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder."-Rumi
"It's all one song!" -Neil Young
Matt Chester wrote:Thanks for your reply Michael. The intent of this thread is this very conversation. So tell me, what is mindfulness in your opinion? And to you, what is the difference between mindfulness and concentration? Is there one? I am surprised you haven't mentioned consciousness... What is your take on "it"? And have you ever practiced, not just "done", yoga? Or is your experience vicarious? Thanks again for the conversations.
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The farming village was above all a society of philosophers without a need for philosophy - Fukuoka
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