I am growing field peas for a few reasons
- for a back-up browsing crop for goats during winter, when a lot of summer browsing crops have lost their leaves (we are in New Zealand, so some frosts, but no snow. Animals graze outside year-round with just a little shack for
shelter in the colder months).
- for a protein crop for
chickens and pigs (esp a Lysine source)
We want to maximum our production on 8 acres, and I have a few questions:
- If we grow the field peas to harvest stage, and then harvest out the peas and
feed the stalks to the goats (or
cattle or pigs) like a
hay, will it have much nutritional value compared to letting them eat younger plants that have not seeded?
- Compared to the seed, how much protein, and how much Lysine in particular is there in greens? Would it be better to feed animals the green plant or harvest the seed and feed them?
Any good link to how to grow them - crop spacing etc?