I recently bought a used pashmina-style scarf, you know the wide ones about a
yard wide and two yards long, in a rather late attempt to discover my feminine side.
Then I discovered they have a gazillion ways to tie them.
I wanted to wear it to cover my head and keep my neck warm when I was out walking the dog, so I eventually decided to try this way first...
This was the result, though the dog says I look ridiculous and the coat smells of mothballs...
But then old habits die hard and I decided to see if I could turn it into a
rodilha, for carrying things on your head.
It seemed a bit sacrilegious for such a pretty bit of fabric, but then why not? If you happen to see something that needs fetching home while you are out and about, what better use is there for a bit of fabric than to cushion your head while you carry it home?
A bit of rummaging around in the internet came up with a way to use one as a baby sling...
And this one is a sling to carry a small dog, which made me think that maybe it could be modified into a harvesting apron?
Has anyone else found useful ways to use or wear them? Emergency skirts? Or tops? Or bags? Or anything else?