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Timothy Norton wrote:I studied Emergency Management in college and the first bit of advice I can give you is that "It is better to start now with a good plan instead of waiting for a perfect plan."
You need to consider immediate issues. You said you own the land by the gully. Are you at risk for run-off/land slides? Could you have washout?
Is there anything like an agricultural extension office where you live that might be able to give some land remediation advice or hook you up with nursery for native shrubs/trees? I'd imagine getting something into the ground in the short term to drop roots would be the next logical step.
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What is a Mother Tree ?
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My projects on Skye: The tree field, Growing and landracing, perennial polycultures, "Don't dream it - be it! "
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I'm doing it for the squirrels, dude.
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What is a Mother Tree ?
Jay Angler wrote:Hopefully you can create an better forest than was there before!
It looks like areas have standing dead trees. Can any of those be dropped for mini-hugel sorts of uses?
I'm doing it for the squirrels, dude.
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There is something that Bracken mines and releases for other plants but I couldn't find a reference quickly - Phosphorus is what my memory says, so yes, welcome it in the present. It's also pretty easy to pull up and drop to cover and feed the soil. However, it's also linked to some cancers - particularly when dry - so that's something to be aware of and possibly wear a mask if you have to deal with a lot of it. One site said that it holds on to a number of nutrients after clear-cutting, so I'd hope it would do the same after a fire.I'm not generally a huge fan of bracken, but right now anything green is welcome.
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Burra Maluca wrote:I
No idea what this one is. Anyone have any clue?
The leaves look rather distinctive.
I'm doing it for the squirrels, dude.
klara stinders wrote:
I give you a list of trees that are surviving with me in a semi arid iberean climate, and thus may have a chance at yours too:
- Quercus ilex: edible fruit, and you can grow black truffle underneath![]()
- almond: starting from seed, they might turn out bitter, but you can graft sweet almond on them, as wel as other prunus genus like peach
- Quercus rotundifolia: edible fruit, it is an oak tree you find in Extremadura (Spain) where the black pigs walk around (it is the bellota tree)
- Quercus suber: cork oak
- Quercus faginea: a portugese oak
- fig: i have had no success with seed, but propagating with cuttings works great
- apricot
- peach
- walnut
- apple: I'm having a huge succes with apples where I live, they have just beautifully survived their 2nd summer and do great if you give them a little bit of shade, doesnt have to be much! when started from seed, it is the same as almond though (not a yummy apple) so graft another apple on if you like
My main advice is to not be afraid to put seeds directly into the ground. For me it has worked great so far for almonds, quercus ilex, peach and apples. This year I will have a go with walnuts, chestnuts and apricots. Putting them straight into the ground saves you time and gives them a chance to grow their taproot! (As an experiment, I pulled out some almonds when they just started showing the first leaves, turns out an almond's taproot is 30cm long before it starts growing above ground! So cool!)
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Tomi Hazel Ward of Little Wolf Gulch in Southern Oregon
Author of "Social Forestry: Tending the Land as People of Place"
This is the second reason that many permies members start plants from seed - limited funds. I don't have the space/ecosystem to put seeds straight in the ground and not have a deer or slug munch the lot of them, but I still start many plants by either seed in pots or by rooting cuttings. Many people are happy to let you take cuttings if you ask nicely, and many fruit seeds will produce fruit that is tasty enough and those seeds could come from groceries, or better yet, a farmer's market where the fruit is grown locally.Bronwyn Olsen wrote:I am very interested in your progress. I have property in Northern California where fire is always a concern. I hesitate in spending limited funds on desired plants and trees because of this.
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Bronwyn Olsen wrote:I was wondering if a”water mine” was a flume? That is a ditch to move water?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Bronwyn Olsen wrote:I am very interested in your progress. I have property in Northern California where fire is always a concern. I hesitate in spending limited funds on desired plants and trees because of this.
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Jay Angler wrote:
This is the second reason that many permies members start plants from seed - limited funds. I don't have the space/ecosystem to put seeds straight in the ground and not have a deer or slug munch the lot of them, but I still start many plants by either seed in pots or by rooting cuttings. Many people are happy to let you take cuttings if you ask nicely, and many fruit seeds will produce fruit that is tasty enough and those seeds could come from groceries, or better yet, a farmer's market where the fruit is grown locally.Bronwyn Olsen wrote:I am very interested in your progress. I have property in Northern California where fire is always a concern. I hesitate in spending limited funds on desired plants and trees because of this.
That said, I've also let it be known that I'll accept trees as birthday presents! I don't need fancy clothes, or dust collectors, but another Goji berry bush would be welcome! (I started some from seed in the spring with difficulty. I put them on the porch to harden off and a slug came by one night and ate the lot of them. I was seriously ticked, but I'll just have to try again!)
Burra Maluca wrote:Today I feel as burned out as my land, so I took some time to just rest.
I'm only 64! That's not to old to learn to be a permie, right?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
How works
What is a Mother Tree ?
Burra Maluca wrote:I don't believe that Portulacaria afra is native, but we do have purslane, Portulaca oleracea, which might fill some of the same roles. I have a load growing as weeds around the house. I'm due to pick some to make soup, and as it's seeding like crazy at the moment I should shake it out into a bag to catch as much of the seed as I can and then go and scatter it around up in the forest.
Alentejo-style purslane soup
I'm only 64! That's not to old to learn to be a permie, right?
I didn't know this tiny ad could juggle
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