I just bought a potted autumn olive that is about 4' high and slightly bushy and I'm trying to work out where best to plant it (by the way I am in the UK and it is not invasive here). We have the beginnings of a fruit orchard in one are (just a few young
trees and bushes at this point) which gets good sun and is quite exposed, the kitchen garden near the house which is a mix of annual and
perennial veg and some fruit, good sun, also fairly exposed, would benefit from a windbreak but obviously I don't want too much shading to happen. There are other options around for where to put it, too many really hence my dilemma! Is it worth trying to make use of it as a windbreak? Would it make sense along the future border of the orchard to shield from prevailing winds? If it grows well I will try layering and cutting to grow more.