Keith Bowen : Have you contacted all of your
local H.E.V.A.C. contractors (heating and cooling ), Explain that you will be working with local clays (TRUE) and working outside (true)
to build sculpture units that you may move inside(TRUE),ask if they have recently done tear outs fuel oil to propane, major additions, insurance work after fires/water damage !
Look for two story dwellings with windows covered with plywood, learn to recognize Asbestos Shingles on the outside of empty houses , Look for large 'Demolition Dumpsters'
surrounded by individual workers pick ups. Your local (
volunteer?) Fireman know where a local building is too damaged to be re-built, most fireFighters are skilled craftsmen in
some manner of building Crafts, and will quickly grasp what your are attempting to do, though it probably would be best if they thought you were talking about a BBQ Pit W/ built
in WarmingBench !
Permission to scrounge out of a dumpster, or even to get salvage delivered to your place can be as simple as a couple of cheep beer six-packs !
Check out any junk/salvage yards in your area! Also Habitat for Humanities Re-Stores !
Contacting Excavation contractors is a good way of finding where work in your area is happening, if you are going to need more clay than your
land can supply telling a Local
Excavation Contractor you want heavy clay fill, and you want to come and get it yourself- gets you a willing ear, he will have to pay to truck it off of the building site !
Lite weight cold air return round pipe in 6'' and 8''
should be common at Home Depot and Lowes !
Been there and have done all of that ! Good Luck ! For the good of the Craft ! Think like fire, flow like a gas, Don't be the marshmallow ! your comments/questions are solicited and
welcome! Big AL