I didn't really know where to fit this topic. Here they regularly spray against noxious weeds. I am quite opposed to this because I do not believe that this can help to get rid of weeds. They do this since maybe twenty years and the weeds are still there. Phil Nauta writes in building soils naturally a bit about this topic and I read invasive plant medicine and some articles on the web I can't find anymore.
I have to write a letter to the council because they want to spray once again round here. According to what I read so far I would write the following points, please tell me if you think they are scientifically incorrect. They spray with Glyphposphate and Triclophyr the latter I couldn't find that much to read about.
1. Weeds grow at a place because the soil is out of balance, don't kill the messenger.
2. Weed killers kill the soil live, critters, bacteria fungi. Repeated spraying makes that the soil cannot support
native vegetation anymore, only weeds can grow there.
3. The invisible part of our natural heritage is as important as the visible. (I don't really know if there are soil dwellers who only live in Australia)
4. The area is surrounded by a ditch and the weedkillers will end up in the nearby creek.
5. Weedkillers are diametrical to human health, sorry I don't want to die of cancer.
6. There are snakes and frogs which would be killed.
I don't really think that we can convince them the only thing which we could offer is to do the scrape and paint method ourselves, but it is a real big job.
What do you think?