I have some above-ground hugelkulture mounds. But I've seen where people are digging a trench and putting a lot of the logs
underground. Supposedly the logs will act like a sponge and retain moisture and as they break down, they help provide nutrients to the soil. But this is my first year with anything hugelkulture. so I'm trying to experiment with it. I read good things
I haven't seen anything specifically talking about small hugelkulture experiments. However, to plant three fruit trees on a 5-foot spread, the hole would have to be 8-feet in diameter x 4-feet deep. I would pile logs up t abut 2-feet. Then I would add about 6" of grass clippings to compensate for the nitrogen problem associated with
hugel mounds. Then I'd add 6" of topsoil plant the three trees. And top it all off. on the surface I'll use a couple sections of
newspaper and
wood chips to sheet mulch to inhibit weeds. But I honestly have no idea if it will work or not. I had never thought about the fermentation of alcohol.
just trying for a little more research before I plant 27 *expensive* trees. That would suck A LOT to do all that work and spend $50/tree, and then watch a catastrophic fail happen in my front
yard. so still in research (and ASK people smarter than me) phase.