I am in the stages of browsing
land to see what options are available to a budding homesteader. I have found copious amounts of land available in the
city but most property is commercial land. I am trying to figure out 'loop holes' that would help me live on the commercial land and also establish a 'business' to farm this land. I was wondering if anyone had
experience buying and using commercial land for this purpose. If anyone knows any helpful links please post them as I havent had too much luck yet with google. Thank you.
“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life. Without proper care for it we can have no community, because without proper care for it we can have no life.”
― Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture