I searched these forums but found little about this plant so I thought I would highlight it. Mock strawberry has a reputation as an invasive, useless, or purely ornamental plant.
I was excited when a wild strawberry plant popped up in my forest garden areas and waited patiently until it spread a good amount and then started flowering and fruiting. I was pretty disappointed when the first fruit I tried tasted like nothing at all. I had read that wild strawberries have more flavor than domestic varieties and was confused by what I was tasting. After researching a little I discovered these aren't really strawberries at all, and are certainly not
native to my area. No big deal though as they still have
medicinal uses, and are still edible to humans and other animals. I now have a plan to transplant a lot of this plant into my
chicken forest paddock and minimize it in the human forest section.
Luckily I have some very healthy ozark beauties that will quench my thirst for strawberry growing, and now I have another wild plant to add to my "find these and transplant" list.