I tried once to grow shop bought stem butts on
cardboard in the cupboard and failed. About half of them developed a mycelium, but then it didn't grow further.
I want to try that once again, some questions:
1. The picture in mycellium running sows stem butts sliced across, I did sections lengthwise as shown in youtube, what is better?
2. How much moisture is right?
3. Do I transfer when everything is full of mycellium or earlier?
Stamets then puts it on a bigger cardboard does this happen still in the cupboard in a box or outside?
5. When do I transfer this outside? Is it always on a bed of woodchips?
I will start with shop bought
mushrooms because I know only two edible mushrooms here which grow under pine
trees. I would love to attend a mushroom hunting
class but this is not available.
My second question is how to grow reishi mushroom. I have some dried reishi mushrooms and I wonder if I could use the spores. Stamets describe a method extracting them in
water. But I am not sure weather my spores are viable, to get into Australia they are irradiated. Worth a try?? And then can cardboard be used together with the spore slurry?
I am very much interested in the non sterile method, because I know that the sterile method is not for me (it is the same issue that I don't make plans about crop rotation).