I am in the process of building an outdoor area to be used as a multi-use area - outdoor kitchen,
chicken processing, whatever it may be. I am trying hard to make it a green roof with a
native grasses and wildflowers mix. My main concern is that I have not engineered
enough of the support structure to make sure this roof is safe. I based it off of our deck attached to the house and just upped the ante in an effort to over engineer it but am just not very sure of my efforts. Please excuse any misuse of construction terms.
Below is the building view from the top. The posts are 6x6 notched at the top for the front and rear header and for the side headers. All of these are 2x12's. The front 6x6 posts are anchored in
concrete. The rear however sit on a concrete pad already at the location. I used metal anchors so the posts don't sit on the concrete pad directly and the anchors are set into the existing concrete with hydraulic concrete epoxy and galvanized 1/2" by 4 inch bolts. (I went through 2 bits getting these in!). The joists are 2x6s and are hung with joist hangars. I plan on doing a row of blocking straight down the middle with more 2x6s.
Once completed the roof will be separated in the middle (I hope) by a simple decking catwalk for the view and for maintenance.
Last attachment is a picture from today of how it is coming along.
So, am I on the right track for this structure?
Any thoughts on the plywood that will go on top - 1/2"?
Thank you folks