Cl Riddle : Welcome, You accidentally posted this in
Alternate energy, instead of in
Rocket stoves.
Building a
Rocket Mass Heater with two exhausts off of one barrel rarely works, and is a very difficult 1st build !
An 8'' system can push your hot exhaust gases 50 feet horizontally through your thermal mass! Subtract 5 feet
for every Elbow from the transition zone (below your barrel) outwards to your final vertical chimney! You count
every elbow or "T", but not the final vertical chimney !
Please go to to download your copy of the 3rd ed. of
Rocket Mass Heaters
This will save you time, money, and frustration. When you come back here -you will Know that you are using
the same words to describe the sizes, shapes, and specific Orientation of the parts to themselves, and the
whole! For the good of the craft ! Big AL