I recall the house dress remark from the movie "As good as it gets" and the reply, and the apology.
When I watched that movie, I had been totally clueless that a house dress wasn't adequate fashion! Thank goodness I wasn't a wine and dine girl.
I have all kinds of house dresses for all occasions including poultry cleanup, "robes-de-grand-mère", and also those one piece fuzzy jumpers like babies wear "combines" -- when not in thick waffle thermal underwear which we find the blackfly can't penetrate.
Mind you, people will go get gas wearing thermal underwear as normal clothing, pygamas or house coats to the mailboxes or to walk their kids to the school bus -- and ignore poaching and cultivation regulations entirely. So there's that.
If a neighbour comes onto your
land it is an emergency, and they are the ones apologizing when you step out wearing a towel.