Victore Hammett wrote:Thanks Heidi.
I just got some inoculated clover and alfalfa seed i'm going to broadcast along with turnip, radish, and other root crops, ala Ben Falk. Also I was thinking of getting some bareroot black locusts from the forestry service. Only issue is the minimum order is kinda high for my needs, but I might be able to pot them up and sell them for $10-20/plant.
Getting some of the stuff I want locally is a bit tricky in this area. Very few people here have heard of permaculture, let alone practice it. Perennial legumes are hard to find, so I'm constantly on the look out. Things like seaberry, hawthorne, goji berry, and other "weird plants" are practically non-existent.
This has brought me to the conclusion that I will need to be the wind-blown weed seed that has found a niche, and will take it over.
And no I haven't given up on the peaches. In fact, my mother just told me of someone trying to get rid of some peace and plum trees for free. Just need to get that hookup quick, because the end of dormancy if fast approaching.
Victore, look for a seller named
buckeye55 on ebay. He has some really cool
trees and bushes and they are very inexpensive. Nice guy also. He has more stuff available during the winter months.