The staghorn sumacs I planted this year are turning an amazing scarlet-orange color. In our part of the world, we get yellow aspen and cottonwoods, but not much red in our autumn colors. It looks awesome against the backdrop of our cottonwood windbreak.
I'm planning a new sheet mulch area alongside the homestead driveway that I would like to have multiple functions but look spectacularly colorful in the fall. Fishing for ideas on what's coloring up right now besides the obvious sugar maples and aspens.
Some trees like paper birch, and black maple have attractive bark and look quite sculptural after the leaves are lost. Mountain ash holds on to brightly colored berries after most plants are drab.
Serviceberry (Amelanchiers spp.) are beautiful in spring whith white flowers, very good fruit in summer and nice fall leaf color.
For fruit i really like Ballerina cultivar.