I wish to make the PEP1 list publicly available. I suspect that there could be a dozen people all over the world that will attempt to complete PEP1 without ever setting foot in montana. To get a white belt in
gardening, they might post pictures to this forum and then a qualified somebody will look at those pictures and say "I hereby dub thee white belt in gardening" and it will show up on their account. Then, some day, somebody might say "look at all my belts - don't they all add up to PEP1?" and some qualified person will say "Yup - you are now dubbed PEP1" and that person will have never been to montana.
course, when putting the PEP1 list together, I will focus on stuff that I think is important and I will focus on stuff here in Montana.
I hope that some day there will be PEV1, PEN1, PEK1, PES1, PEA1, PET1 and PER1. They will all weigh about the same, but each will represent the values of the people doing to the work behind it all. One might focus on vegans. One might be tropical. One might be desert country. One might focus on wilderness skills. One might be far more Ben-Law-esque and one might be more Fukuoka-esque. And maybe both of those people will be here at
Wheaton Labs also.
And then all of the tasks/badges for all of these would then fall into PEX.
it seems apropos to quote William Blake, "To generalize is to be an idiot."
I am glad to be Blake's idiot.
At the same time, I don't see how you can solve the world's problems, or be a homesteader, without having a bit of knowledge of many things.
Even more importantly, if anybody fears generalization, then, yes, pursuing PEP1 is a terrible idea. I think PEP1 is not for 7 billion people, PEP1 is for the 30 or 40 people that like the idea of PEP1 better than anything else that they are aware of.