Here's a few thought I believe are relevant.
First, there are some people in the "permaculture business" (Youtuber for instance) that sells a certain picture. A glamorous picture, of a tranquil, happy life, without any problem. Where nature is only a force for good. Maybe it gets some people into it, and they start acting. But there are a lot of issue with this. Those business men are just there to make more money. Not to help. Some people will try a few of the thing suggested by those people, for some reason it will not work, and they will just give up without questioning anything. Or, some other people have already been working in agriculture, and they have their own set of
experience, they know that things are a lot of work, and so they will see the picture being sold as being a complete lie. But in the process, they will discard it all, without trying any of the idea that might works.
As you say, you try 100 things, only two will work, but you don't know which two.
I believe that being 100% honest and giving actual figures is very important. Some tend to
sell permaculture, and so they will hide any problem they have, creating the illusion that it's all so easy. It's not. Nature is not good. Nature is not bad. Nature is nature. Nature move forward, in its own direction. If you happen to go against that direction, it's doing to be difficult for you. Very few people show what didn't work. A few people are actually giving out numbers about what they produce; one example I have in mind is Angelo, the author of the blog deep green permaculture. In the first few years, he would weight every single harvest (except the occasional berry eaten by a visitor). That gives a lot of data, and it's actual data, not some imaginary pipe dream. It's reality. Probably some will say it's fake, but whatever, there are data, and so it sets the basis for reproducing the "experiment" and seeing if it's indeed reproducible.
Some people sells it, for a lot of reason, as a perfect utopia. Some people will see through that. Some will think it's some fake science, when in fact it's a complex science as Edgar Morin would put it. You don't have A -> B. You have three billions letters, all interacting with each others and influencing each-others simultaneously. As in, it's a complex system, involving about every science possible: fluid physics, thermal physic, biology, microbiology, geology.
The biggest issue is, who you have who doesn't want your message to be heard. At some point, it is important to realize that most so-called "leaders", president, dictator, whatever are not interested in solving the problem. How do you control people who can live on their own ? How can you dominate people who have no need for your "solutions" ? You can't. People that are dying from hunger can't revolt. They can't think about anything else than feeding themselves.
There are those who benefits far too much from the current system to let other solutions become popular, let alone solutions that completely make them irrelevant.
It has been "proven" that you can't
feed the world on organic. How ? Well, you take two soil destroyed by years of poisons. In one spot, you plant GMO seeds, with all the pesticides, fertilizers, etc. In the other, you only plant the GMO seeds. Surprise, the "organic" one doesn't work. Obviously, you can see that this is a malicious study. The purpose of science is to seek the truth, not manipulate it. And since few people actually read a study, and question the methods used, well, the current system keep its dominion in place. A real study to see which is better, organic or poison (I know that I am biased), is to apply the whole principle. Do the experiment correctly, over several years. Keep the chemicals for the poison agriculture, and use the whole range of organic principles: compost, growing soil, using heirloom seeds, mulching... you can get any result you want from a study, when you manipulate it. And Big Agriculture doesn't want people to know the extent of the destruction they create.
Another problem, is ignorance. Why not eat some McBurger ? It taste good, right ? Have those people tasted real food ? Without additives ? Food grown in the best soil ? The freshest possible, from the best variety ? How is that McBurger made ? What are all the implication of how it's made ? A lot of people won't know.
What's even worse, it's that too many people don't want to know. Imagine, you have your best life, comfortable, then one day, someone show you the truth: you are participating in the destruction of everything, your habits are contributing to slave labor, children labor, pollution and destruction... If you've ever seen the Matrix, you might understand what I mean. Some people will reject the truth. They do not want to know. For a whole range of psychological reason. It's one of the reason why the current system keep existing. And then, you also have the fact that the current system is pushing people against each other. Always having to compete. So, they are always tired and never have the time to think and stop.
That's a lot of things you, we, are fighting against. There's a lot of problem to solve. But how do you climb the Everest ? One step at a time. How do you eat an elephant ? One fork at a time. How do you eat a watermelon ? (that's the vegan alternative). It's reality. So, what we need is solution anchored in reality. I've written about a lot of things I believe are reason why it's difficult. But there are solutions, but it will take a lot of time and
energy. How to solve each of those problems ? Show the ups and down. Be optimistically realistic. A food forest is wonderful. Lot of food, not a lot of work. But there will be wildlife. You won't control it all. It won't look as "neat" as some suburbia
lawn. Studies can be falsified ? Well, debunking them, showing the conflicts in interest, making "real" studies (as in, honestly trying to figure out facts and truth, and solve the resulting truth: maybe a
permie solution is nice but create some other problems, well, how to solve those problems ?). Another nice proverb. A hunter who run after two
rabbits catch neither. I listed a lot of problems. Working on all of them at once is a perfect way to make sure nothing will get solved.
Some people, unfortunately a small percent of the population will actively seek out what you are proposing. I work in computer science, and somehow am posting here, learning and "teaching", practicing.
Some people will be interested, but won't go as deep as myself.
Some will not particularly be interested, or won't care if you don't show them how they can benefit.
Some will never be convinced, because it's far too comfortable to live how they live. They are stuck in their beliefs. Maybe they will change, but marginally. Others will never ever change.
Some will actively fight against you.
Some people will never join the cause. That sucks, but accept it, and focus on those that will, and those that might. This also imply a need to target those audience properly. If you tell me about how I can use my
poop in the garden, I'm all ears. IF you tell the same thing to another "class" of people, they will look at you in disgust. But if you tell them about how they can grow food organically, help biodiversity, maybe they'll listen to that more. A very good vibe I get from what you are doing is that you focus on the positive. I honestly hate the current green movement, because they are hypocrites who hate humans. They want a punitive ecology. A good green movement makes you want to be a part of it. People should go green because it's amazing, not because they're told they are absolute assholes. I'm going all the way in mainly because food forests, nature, etc is wonderful. The collapse of biodiversity, society is another motivator, but not the strongest.
I have other things to do, and far too many things to say so I will have to stop this reply here. I covered a lots of different things I believe are relevant to the subject, but if there are things which are not clear, please ask and I'll elaborate.