Izzy Bickford wrote:Have you read Fukuoka The One Straw Revolution? If not, that's your homework.
Agricultural Lead for the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community in Prior Lake, MN
Matt Smaus wrote:Fukuoka is amazing, I love Fukuoka, and his technique for no till rice would not, as far as I have been able to figure, work with most cereal grains. The key to his system is that water does the weeding for him -- it sets back the clover without setting back the rice, giving it the lead. I have played around with wheat, barley, and rye on the garden scale quite a bit. I imagine you could transplant small grains into little piles of dirt in a twice-mown pasture -- it's as good an idea as any -- but I can't imagine trying to harvest the wheat with everything else in the pasture all grown up with it. Maybe if you grow it with a mini patch of crimson clover the clover will keep the other pasture plants away from the crown of wheat? I've heard if you don't crowd wheat it will tiller out quite well and make a nice little plant.
You said you've done it with corn and that makes sense, as corn is a tall plant and can outgrow its neighbors, plus it's easier to identify and harvest. Maybe one of the taller grains like quinoa would work? Or a good flint or flour corn? That's the classic gardener's grain.
Slava On wrote:Tokunbo.
Where did you buy the teff seeds? I am in Virginia and was looking for teff with no luck.
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