On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Michael A. Weber, Farm Animal Rights Movement <michael@farmusa.org> wrote:
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MFA Investigation Reveals Horrifying Abuse
By now, you have probably seen the most recent Mercy for Animals undercover investigation, documenting horrific cruelties in an Ohio dairy operation. If you have not yet seen the video, please watch it, and read on to find out how you can get active to help dairy cows and calves. Animal science professor Dr. Bernard Rollin called the video "probably the most gratuitous, sustained, sadistic animal abuse I have ever seen.”
(Click Here if you can't view the video)
I agree with Rollins. The footage may not be the most graphic that has been published, but the abuses documented are so disturbing because they are not even done under the guise of “increased productivity” or “delivering low-cost food.” As Rollins goes on to say, “the video depicts calculated, deliberate cruelty, based not on momentary rage but on taking pleasure through causing pain to cows and calves who are defenseless."
We must use the public outcry about this cruelty to the advantage of dairy cows across the country. The abuses may seem like isolated incidences, but the fact that this took place on a relatively small “family farm” actually emphasize an important point: family farms often ARE factory farms, and even on supposed family, organic, or free-range operations, we NEVER know what cruelties are going on behind closed doors to bring people milk, eggs, and meat.
Free Handouts to Spread the Word!
Help us put a stop to this abuse, and similar offenses across the globe: share the investigation video via email, Facebook, and Twitter, and spread the word about cow and chicken treatment with our free Dark Side of Dairy and Eggs handout. This dramatic card explains the inherent cruelties to those industries and calls upon caring consumers to ditch dairy and eggs. Fill out our handout request form to create awareness about alternatives to cruel milk products.
Need some ideas? How about leafletting a farmer's market, or asking a local health food store to display the cards! Call or email us if you need more than 100 handouts, if you'd like additional outreach materials (including posters or stickers), or if you have other ideas about how to get active on this important issue.
Thank you for your active compassion!
Michael A. Weber
Campaign Coordinator
This isn't fair. I shouldn't have to watch a video of some sick minded person doing sick minded things to animals. This whole thing doesn't even have that much to do with farming. It's about people being sociopaths, not about the treatment of farm animals.
Look, what happened here actually was illegal. Similar to how beating a child is illegal. However, feeding a child food that doesn't allow him or her to develop properly isn't illegal. Never letting your child breath fresh air or to see the light of day isn't illegal either! It's not illegal for cows either!
To me, this is taking the light off of the real issue, putting it on a non issue. Yes, we know some people are fucked up. But when it comes to factory farming, the problem is systemic. You can't just focus on issues that speak to our childish emotions. We have to look at this as adults and get everyone to see everything that is wrong with the picture.
This campaign you present to us is fear mongering. Typical problem action solution. You want us to get all riled up and yell at law makers who will then turn to the agricultural cartels and ask them what they want them to write. Then we will end up with more small farms out of business and more dominance of factory farms.
Even if you wanted to make a point about this incident, it is wrong to tie the problem down to factory farming. It's called scapegoating. The problem here is human sociology.
To me, this whole campaign misses the point by a mile!
We are an abolitionist organization, against the use of all animals for food- including the raising of any dairy or egg producing animals. We are not advocating for stricter laws for the treatment of farmed animals- we are advocating for the end of the raising of farmed animals entirely. I agree with you that we must “get everyone to see everything that is wrong with the picture”- and what is wrong with the picture is that anyone believes it is okay to harm animals when it is not necessary. Since drinking milk is not necessary, and all milk production harms animals, ALL milk production is unnecessary harm to animals.
We used this video, taken by our friends at Mercy for Animals, to demonstrate that we don’t ever know what’s going on behind the closed doors of the so-called farms that we get animal products from. The video is a perfect indicator of the worst cruelties that are behind even the milk at “family farms”.
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tamo42 wrote:
FWIW, I've never met a vegan I considered terribly sane.
find religion! church
kiva! hyvä! iloinen! pikkumaatila
get stung! beehives
be hospitable! host-a-hive
be antisocial! facespace
You want us to get all riled up and yell at law makers who will then turn to the agricultural cartels and ask them what they want them to write. Then we will end up with more small farms out of business and more dominance of factory farms.
Life that has a meaning wouldn't ask for its meaning. - Theodor W. Adorno
So it takes a day for light to pass through this glass? So this was yesterday's tiny ad?
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