Well, some cities and communities have laws, bylaws, ordinances, and contracts that prevent homeowners from growing their own food on their property.
I would like to discuss the organizations that people can become affiliated with to create support and raise awareness of the benefits of growing your own food on your property in a permaculture-esque manner.
In the USA, people can join the following organizations to raise awareness and promote what they are doing and possibly alter government and community minds:
-With the
National Wildlife Federation, a person can register their own site as
Certified Wildlife Habitat
-With the
Conservation Foundation, people can get their sites
certified as environmentally friendly.
-With the
North American Butterfly Association, one can
get their butterfly garden certified.
-With the
Pollinator Partnership, someone can certify their site as a
Bee Friendly Farm
What other groups and organizations can you all think of to spark community interest and deter the Department of Making You Sad?