Years ago I bought 5, 6 week old peachicks. 2 flew away at 1 year but the rest stayed happily on the farm. 2 females, 1 male. Our male loved to sit on the
fence. The dogs went crazy but they could never get him down. Then he grew a train. Quite a lovely train. They were able to get him down, and they killed him. It was a sad thing. I was quite attached to that peacock and so were the peahens. They called and searched for him nightly. I did not want my peahens to leave the farm in search of him so it was decided we would buy another cock. We picked him up yesterday. So I have 2 india blue peahens and this india blue black shoulder cock. He got a bit ruffled up in transport, and all of the birds are locked in the barn for a minimum of a week (if he takes to the peahens I'll let him out, if not, longer) The kids are thrilled to have a new cock and I'm hoping that because this one didn't grow up thinking it was cool to sit on the
fence teasing the dogs, it'll live. We shall see.