We have some rather large heritage fruit
trees on our farm and due to health concerns we won't be able to pick them this year. We are thinking of sharing the harvest with one of those groups that has volunteers pick the trees. They take some for themselves, some for charity, and the rest of the harvest we get to keep. I like the idea of some going to charity.
Has anyone ever done this before?
My biggest concern is for the safety of the pickers. What sort of recruitment screening do they go through? Are they tested for
common sense? Our ladders and equipment are safe - provided the person using them doesn't do stupid things while using them.
The other concern is the health of the tree. We are thinking of starting with a couple of trees we don't care much if they get broken. But even still, I hate to branches broken unnecessarily.
The third concern is diseases. If they've been up a tree with one contagious problem in the morning, then come and pick at our place in the afternoon... Then we may be stuck with a diseased tree. Or WORSE - they might touch our plums that have black knot and risk spreading it to other farms.
So those are my concerns. I don't know if I'm over-thinking things and this isn't really something to worry about. Maybe I've been hanging around the wrong people lately - but it seems more and more, people have great intentions and
volunteer for things like this, but have no idea how to do things safely. I've had too many people who know better than me how to interact with equipment and animals on the farm, then they either break something, hurt themselves, or worse, do stupid thing like put their child in with the angry goat we were boarding, thus causing injury to their child and consequently, the poor goat who was simply defending herself from the noise-monster, now get's a one way ticket to freezer
land. I may not be giving people
enough credit, but there have been so many bad experiences.
Then there's the issue of the fruit. Either we have help picking the fruit, or it goes to waste. The latter is unacceptable and this year we can't afford a professional (aka, insured against their own stupidity) to pick the fruit for us.
What are your thoughts on this? Anyone have first hand