I am attempting to build a
cob oven solo and i have never cobbed before.. I am using soil from the bottom of my now defunct dam and hoping it is ok. the ratio i am going with is 1 soil to 3 sand because to me the soil test looks more clayish...but i basically am guessing and would love anyones input who has some more
experience then i do..
I am at the point where i have just made a subfloor pad out of the 1:3
cob mix and as it it drying i can see some cracking... so do i add more sand and worry about the sand being too much and the
oven slaking/falling apart.. or just go with the mix. I made some test bricks but i may have over tested them because basically in the end all of them smashed apart (maybe i dropped them 10 times...is that too much?) is cob gonna break eventually?
Because i am doing it solo and just going from cob oven blog to blog and i have kiko's book, i am anxious about stability long term...
thanks for your help!!!
oh and the soil test has been sitting undisturbed for about 1.5weeks.