There are many,
without goal or vision,
that we can guide to see a way.
A destination and a path to follow along.
Simple to comprehend,
yet expansive of consciousness.
A simulation has been run,
of individuals being able to do whatever they want.
at 5 minutes in the following
video, begins the experiment and it’s findings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMkHYE9-R0A the conclusion being:
“in absence of any reward,
the intrinsic reward is self-replication”
What that tells us is that reproduction is an essential reward.
Whereas gaining of wealth is merely a distraction.
We have to get ready for the memetic revolution.
Where we reproduce memes or ideas as our primary mode of being.
For instance reproducing particular designs of buildings, tools or policies.
If you do nothing, it will still happen, but wont have your name on it, which is your meme-identifier.
Are you reproducing the most beneficial memes to aid we with your reproduction?
There is much we can do,
such as making a memesphere,
or self-contained set of policies,
that when used can replicate a community,
just as the DNA of a cell can do.
We with you would be replication intentional communities.
Now lets remember the worlds Lowest Crime Rates,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nf1OgV449g Is from people being able to defend themselves,
with their weapons or defense strategies.
For instance there are many men with guns,
yet many do not protect their own tribe,
choosing to allow things like "law" or "justice",
tear their families apart, pathetically weak, if you ask me.
However true strength,
now that is when you defend the we with you,
your own atom-tribe of loving and devoted friends.
Oh peace be upon you my brother,
for many an age has passed,
with and without,
ever will we see you again,
immortality is soul, and host-bodies,
yes it's the host-body production facility,
produced by the we that are with you in tribe.
That's a real stake in immortality sister,
a family to belong to forever,
yet feel free to go off and make a new nests.
boys will come, as they are always a plenty,
pick and choose your highest bidder,
one that can prove they are.
"How much can you giveth me young boy?
Let's see you do it,
then we'll have you for an eye."
Males frequently do a dance, or display
to prove their good nutrition and skill.
remember the queen bee, the queen ant,
for they are role models of dominant kingdoms.
There are more
ants by mass on
land than any other animal.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lFzDQkOcYU Oooo successful host-body completion cycle,
self-replication with many sisters perhaps, h3ih3i he-he
Queen-ants and bee's re-mate whenever gene upgrades are useful.
Otherwise most of the eggs are sister's of the queen.
Some may be large protectors,
some may be smaller farmers,
and yet others be nurses,
that carry around and
feed larvae.
This in a tribal context,
could be the host-body production facility.
which if you be robots is a fabrication laboratory.
homo-sapien females have a fairly small reproductive window,
and if they are utilized for their production heavily they may have complications.
Though there was a woman that gave birth to 69 children, it is a world record.
http://www.mothersdaycelebration.com/mothers-day-trivia.html for a gray alien hive,
that's just lol... very little.
Like lookey here host-body facilities,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vxfsh_61ckg there might be near 60 in just that room.
hmmm but yes,
with robot-host-bodies,
it could be a simpler process.
Lol sometimes I imagine silly military first person shooter multiplayer
where people die very quickly but then get reincarnated almost immediately,
well if you have a host-body on backup at your tribe,
it could function quite similarly.
with a data connection,
could retain memories,
with soul-identification,
you could retain host-body privileges.
Though remember you'd have to pay for that host-body,
the price-calculation is a metric for evaluating the soul's suitability,
so if some soul wastes too many of we with your host-bodies it can get banished (blacklisted) from the reincarnation cycle.
For instance Barrack Obama the current President of the United States,
is called a clone or test-tube-baby in this rap song with a David Icke excerpt:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnhjNzlJzPg So he has loyalty to his tribe, which can produce more host-bodies of his likeness.
well that soul could go find another atom-tribe to join,
though hopefully will be more careful with their host-bodies.
Sometimes it's a systemic failure, where just about any soul would find the circumstances difficult,
so typically it would be good to fix host-body issues and programming.
Like perhaps there are ways to make safety easier to learn.
Though as the case with grays,
there may simply be a lack of random fun activities to engage in.
With humans there are many fun activities,
but not
enough freedom to pursue them.
With at atom-tribe you can enjoy the we with you,
as we with you are family, sharing host-body production facilities,
so we have a common purpose of making sure we can continue to live on,
in whichever form we choose, and hopefully the we with us will agree,
though if we wish, we could split off,
as cells reproduce after a certain number of members.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeAcJQnPR9o Of course sexual reproduction is also recommended.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1_-mQS_FZ0 Why do we with you find reproduction important?
How are we empowering our future selves?
What plans can we focus on to make it become now?