I collect and
sell plant genetics and build
perennial food ecosystems. It seems like most temperate climate perennial edibles are high in carbohydrates. I'm really interested in the low carb / keto / paleo diet. Although most the perennial veggies,
trees, and shrubs that I cultivate are high in carbs (fruit,
roots, seeds).
course you can feed the carbs to animals and they will happily convert them into high-quality fat and protein. What about low carb perennial veggies and tree crops? Please help me compile a list so I can build some ketocultures! Many of these plants have multiple edible parts, some which are high carb, others which are low, so it can help to include what part of the plant we are referring to ( or at least one of them).
broccolis: Sea Kale
Perennial alliums: Elephant garlic, Egyptian walking onions, potato onions, welsch onions, ramps, garlic chives
Shoots: Edible hostas, asparagus, bamboo, milkweed, ostrich fern, poke weed, cattail
leaves: turkish rocket, Tea- Camellia sinensis, good king henry, caucasian spinach, chicory, mulberry, grape, watercres, sorrel, linden, dandelion,
Leaf stalks: Fuki, lovage
Flowers: tiger lilly,
apios americana,