Tiny houses, good a place as any to ask about this.
I have seen small playground domes made of tires.
Could one build such a dome at a large
enough scale as to be useful?
Assuming a rough diameter of 2', an 18' diameter dome would take about 28 tires for just the first"course ".
That means a lot of tires to gather, and a lot to get rid of if it doesn't work out.
A 7' diameter dome would need about 11 tires for the first
course,and would be big enough for a play house.
I could see filling the cavities with paper,
cardboard,papercrete,soda bottles, etc.
Vinly tarp on top,followed by used carpet.
Add soil and plants,or finish it with acrylic cement.
Door? I'm not sure how that
should work.
Windows are obvious.
Less obvious, the option of building strait walls,cylinders rather than domes.
Or a cylinder topped with a dome.
I would like to see this as the frame work for a green roof, with each tire being a planter.
Maybe you could harvest
root crops from inside!
I can't see that form of the dome as being compatible with living space, but you could have a nice "root cellar", perhaps filled with
water barrels for thermal mass.
Another way to go is to warm the inside of the dome,and thus the
roots of the plants above.
That should push the zones a bit.
So,let me know what you think,feasible,useful,foolish?