"Flood zone" has a wide range of conditions which will affect
the answer.
How big is the watercourse, and how steep is the gradient? What are the banks like? Can water spread out in big floods, or is it all contained within the span you want to bridge? What is the worst potential tree that could be washed downstream in a big flood?
My creek has a seven-mile watershed, steep
enough that the bed is rocky throughout my section, and carved down 6 to 10 feet below the valley floor and 25 to 40 feet wide. When it floods, the water is all confined until it gets to "catastrophic" scale, and it regularly carries respectable
trees a foot or so in diameter, and in the two 500-year floods we had in 2006 and 2011, carried 80 foot white pines 2 to 3 feet in diameter, with all their
roots and branches, and tumbled a two-ton boulder 20 feet downstream.
So you need to consider your situation and what could happen, versus how likely it is and what it would take to ensure against damage.